
Who Shall Separate Us?: Uniting the Segregated Church
If the church in the United States is to come to terms with the lack of unity among the cultures in the social context, the impact on the spiritual welfare of the church will have long-lasting consequences regarding the health of society socially and spiritually. It is incumbent upon the church, therefore, to address the social issue of racial division and separation, to meet the mandate prescribed in the Great Commission. A small part of accomplishing this mandate is to better understand the nature of the racially divided phenomenon. In essence, the church must understand the importance of diversity within the culture of the church. "Who Shall Separate Us" explores the dynamics associated with the segregated church and offers insight into the phenomenon.

What Shall the End Be?: Return of the Christ
Christianity did not die because of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It lives because of His resurrection. This is a truth that captures the whole of the Christian faith. This is the great distinction of religion and reality: God in the flesh has come to live in His people. Such a discovery, however, appears to be a one-way proposition.
Can His church, the Body of Christ, respond to the call of a bride prepared? Will Christ find faith in a glorious church without spot or wrinkle or any such thing? The answers from His church must be forthcoming before He answers with His coming. Christ does not just transition us. He changes us--and the change comes from Him, abiding in our hearts with the power of a choice.
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